Welcome to the MTSS Center
Since 2007, the MTSS Center has been a national leader in supporting states, districts, and schools across the country in implementing an MTSS framework that integrates data and instruction within a multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and support students’ social, emotional, and behavior needs from a strengths-based perspective.

News & Highlights
Updated MTSS Fidelity Rubric
The MTSS Fidelity of Implementation Rubric and accompanying summary scoring sheet have been updated. The rubric continues to provide a comprehensive look at MTSS implementation, but it was updated based on lessons learned from working with school sites implementing MTSS across the nation.
View RubricMTSS Within Schools: The What and The How
This guide provides information and steps for school teams as they implement MTSS. It includes a definition of MTSS, reviews the essential MTSS components, and outlines steps to support implementation of MTSS within school sites.
View the School GuidanceGuidance for District Leadership on MTSS
This resource provides information and guidance for district leadership teams. It includes a definition of MTSS, summarizes the essential MTSS components, and outlines the critical infrastructure necessary support MTSS implementation.
View District Guidance