Sarah Frazelle
Sarah Frazelle, MA is the Co-Director of the National Student Attendance and Engagement Center and a senior researcher at AIR focusing on projects related to attendance, Early Warning Systems, and college and career readiness and success. She brings over 15 years of experience in providing technical assistance to schools, districts, and states in implementing student support systems such as Early Warning Systems, MTSS, and PBIS. She has received national attention for her brief A Practitioner’s Guide to Implementing Early Warning Systems and was recently featured by Branching Minds in their podcast How Leaders Can Mitigate Drop-Out Risk Using Early Warning Indicators. Her most recent area of focus has been integrating student and family voice to help guide the selection of interventions that address the root causes of where students need support. In her previous role as the Director of MTSS and Early Warning Indicator Systems at Puget Sound ESD in WA state, she focused on developing and providing tailored technical assistance that braids quantitative and qualitative data to create action plans for school improvement. With over 17 years of experience in designing and conducting evaluation studies, she helps education teams ensure that the interventions and systems they implement are having the desired impact on students. Ms. Frazelle holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Kansas.