This resource provides clarity on MTSS and its essential components. Within this document, we define MTSS and discuss each component of MTSS. The information is intended to provide educators with guidance for MTSS implementation that reflects research and evidence-based practices.
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In this webinar, participants will learn about significant disproportionality (SD) and how states around the country are addressing SD with MTSS. Dr. Sarah Benz will provide recommendations on addressing SD through identification, placement, and discipline and share resources to continue learning more about the intersection of MTSS and SD.
This article shares how schools can leverage MTSS to address bullying within their sites. MTSS is a prevention-based framework that brings together academic and social-emotional-behavioral supports. Bullying prevention is one such social-emotional-behavioral need that can be addressed with MTSS.
Even with the most well-designed and delivered Tier 2 interventions, some students will need more. In this webinar on Intensifying Interventions in MTSS, Dr. Jon Potter shares key considerations for intensifying and adapting interventions to meet the needs of all learners. Dr.
Have you ever sat in a team meeting discussing a student, and before you know it, the bell is ringing? Somehow, the team spent the entire meeting on one student, even though they had planned to discuss four students. Or have you ever spent hours discussing a student, going over every detail of their education, only to still feel unsure how to help the student?
Need a process to support individual students? Use this flipbook to remind your team which steps to follow as you apply data-based decision making to the needs of individual students. The flipbook reviews the step of the problem solving model for individual student problem-solving.
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This article shares how educators can consider the interaction between the learner and the curriculum, environment, and instruction being provided to help inform how to adapt and intensify support when students fail to respond to interventions.
During problem analysis, educators gather information on instruction, curriculum, and the environment to determine how it supports learners. Use this infographic to identify variables to measure and resources to support assessment.
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Opportunities to respond is an effective strategy for instruction that is associated with positive academic and behavioral outcomes. Educators can use this assessment tool to gauge the rate and use of opportunities to respond during instruction.
When assessing a student's need for intervention, it can be helpful to determine where their skills are within the instructional hierarchy. This infographic illustrates the 4 main stages of the instructional hierarchy (acquisition, fluency, generalization, adaptation) and can be used as a quick reference.
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There are six effective classroom management practices that can create a positive classroom climate. Educators can use this tool as an observation form or self-assessment to gauge use of those effective practices.
Tier 1 includes high-quality, schoolwide academic, social, emotional, and behavioral programming and supports designed to meet the needs of all students. This infographic details the essential features of effective Tier 1 instruction.
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The MTSS framework is comprised of four essential components: screening, progress monitoring, multi-level prevention system, and data-based decision making. This collection of infographics provide an overview of key features of each of the essential components of MTSS.
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Progress monitoring is the repeated measurement of student performance over time. It requires reliable and valid tools and a clear process to monitor the necessary students with fidelity.
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Universal screening uses a systematic process for identifying students who may be at risk for poor learning outcomes, including academic, behavioral,
social, emotional, school completion, and college and career readiness outcomes. Within this infographic, we illustrate key features of universal screening.
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