Tessie Bailey

MTSS Center Advisor

Tessie Rose Bailey

Tessie Rose Bailey, PhD, is an advisor for the Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS Center) at AIR and the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII), and she is the Director of the PROGRESS Center. She also supports states and districts in implementing special education requirements and MTSS/RTI through the National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) and state contracts. She has developed many widely used resources, including Aligning Intensive Intervention and Special Education with Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in the Essentials of Intensive Intervention, Strategies for Setting High-Quality Academic Individualized Education Program Goals, assessment and intervention professional learning material, online, self-paced learning modules, and Guide to Designing Your Screening Process. Dr. Bailey has conducted hundreds of workshops and presentations on effective implementation of MTSS, secondary MTSS, and special education within MTSS/RTI. She completed her PhD at the University of Utah in special education and post-doctoral work in RTI/MTSS at Lehigh University.