This National Center on Intensive Intervention webinar, features Drs. Donna Sacco, John Hoover, and Tracy Spies. Presenters illustrated considerations for implementing data-based individualization (DBI) with English Learners (ELs) that accounts for their unique academic, social, behavioral, linguistic, and cultural experiences, assets, and needs.
Getting along with others, paying attention, following directions, making responsible decisions, and managing emotions are challenges for many students who require intensive intervention, and may be linked to difficulties with executive functioning, communication, behavior, and academic learning.
The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), and the American Institutes for Research® (AIR®) developed this toolkit to support state and district leaders who are interested in engaging in the work of integrating equity-focused social-emotional learning (SEL) into a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS).
The pandemic has disrupted and, in many cases hindered, learning for all students – most particularly for our most vulnerable populations. Data literacy is key to understanding and tailoring instructional decisions to address students’ varying needs.
Innovation configurations (ICs) are designed to evaluate current teacher preparation and professional development (PD) by determining the extent to which EBPs are taught, observed, and applied within teacher preparation and PD programs.
As schools plan for fall 2021, this is our chance to re-examine school through a trauma-sensitive lens with a focus on creating a safe, supportive, equitable, and engaging learning environment. A trauma-sensitive school is one in which all students feel safe, welcomed, and supported (Cole, Eisner, Gregory, & Ristuccia, 2013).
Comprehensive resource for adopting a trauma-sensitive approach schoolwide. Includes 3 components: 1) trauma 101 e-resource and corresponding slide deck for use providing PD on trauma and its effects; 2) building trauma-sensitive schools online module and handouts that introduce all staff to a framework for trauma-sensitive schools and universal practices; and 3) leading trauma-sensitive schools…
Training Modules
Building a Multi-System Trauma-Informed Collaborative is designed to help child-serving agencies and their partners build a coordinated and more effective response to child trauma, and to support jurisdictions as they look to further coordinate services and response across diverse stakeholders.
The brief by Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Midwest shares the results of a randomized controlled trial – the most rigorous study design – to examine the impact of EWIMS on students and schools.
An early warning system allows educators to assign and provide appropriate interventions to at-risk students early on, during the 9th grade year, to prevent dropout before it happens.This video from the Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest (REL Midwest) summarizes research on early warning systems and dropout prevention.
Early warning systems data can be used to identify trends among students, enabling educators to intervene with those who are likely to leave the education system. This video series, a collaborative effort by the Great Lakes Comprehensive Center and the Michigan Department of Education, covers the seven-step process of installing the Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS).
This series of guides describes the setup and use of the EWIMS process based on data-driven decision-making research.
With the Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS) process, developed by American Institutes for Research (AIR), a school can use the data it already has to help students achieve key educational milestones. This brief outlines how the 7 steps of the EWIMS process can help educators reduce chronic absenteeism.
The ACCELL approach includes methods, resources, and tools to help teachers across the subject areas scaffold core content for ELLs. ACCELL was strategically developed from the ground up to align with college and career ready standards.
Training Modules
Cultivating Oral Language Literacy Talent in Students (COLLTS) is an early childhood program comprised of English and Spanish units that promote the development of pre-reading skills, oral language proficiency, and background and conceptual knowledge through interactive reading of high-quality children’s literature.
Training Modules