Addressing Significant Disproportionality through Multi-Tiered System of Supports

In this webinar, participants will learn about significant disproportionality (SD) and how states around the country are addressing SD with MTSS. Dr. Sarah Benz will provide recommendations on addressing SD through identification, placement, and discipline and share resources to continue learning more about the intersection of MTSS and SD.

Intensifying Interventions in MTSS: What To Do When Students Don't Respond To Interventions

Even with the most well-designed and delivered Tier 2 interventions, some students will need more. In this webinar on Intensifying Interventions in MTSS, Dr. Jon Potter shares key considerations for intensifying and adapting interventions to meet the needs of all learners. Dr. Potter shares how to accelerate student progress by examining alterable variables within the instruction, curriculum, and environment. Resources to help guide the process will be shared, and time for questions will be provided.

Keys to Creating Collaborative, Efficient, and Effective Intensive Intervention Team Meetings

Are your intervention planning meetings taking up too much time or resulting in limited solutions? This National Center on Intensive Intervention webinar, Better Together! Keys to Creating Collaborative, Efficient, and Effective Intensive Intervention Team Meetings, shares the important role teams can play in implementation of intensive intervention and identifies strategies to improve meeting efficiency and effectiveness.

Data Literacy for Preservice and Inservice Teachers: Why We Need It Now More Than Ever

The pandemic has disrupted and, in many cases hindered, learning for all students – most particularly for our most vulnerable populations. Data literacy is key to understanding and tailoring instructional decisions to address students’ varying needs. In this webinar panelists discuss strategies and frameworks to ensure educators are data literate and understand how data literacy can help districts and schools address learning opportunity gaps.

Webinar #2: What About Your Students? Supporting Student Well-Being and Resilience with Trauma-Informed Care

This second webinar in a new series sponsored by the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and the National Education Association offers educators concrete strategies for supporting their students’ well-being during distance learning during COVID-19 by using trauma-informed self-care and resilience-building strategies.

Webinar #1: What About You? Strategies for Supporting Educator Resilience and Trauma-Informed Self-Care

This first webinar in a new series sponsored by the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center), the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and the National Education Association explores how educators can better prepare themselves to face challenges by using trauma-informed self-care and resilience-building strategies. Participants had an opportunity to learn directly from two teacher leaders and a licensed mental health clinician. Click on the links below to go directly to the recordings, handouts, and resources.

Supporting Equity and SEL

This webinar showcases how practitioners can implement equitable practices to support students’ social and emotional development. Presenters discuss research on social and emotional learning (SEL) and equity, and the connections between the two. Presenters also share SEL strategies that districts and schools can use to promote equity.

Data Rich, Information Poor? Making Sense of Progress Monitoring Data to Guide Intervention Decisions

This webinar, led by Dr. Lynn Fuchs of Vanderbilt University and Dr. Lee Kern of Lehigh University, addresses a challenge faced by many teachers: feeling inundated by data while struggling to find useful information to guide intervention decision-making. The webinar focuses on: (a) common progress monitoring measures in academics and behavior, (b) key considerations for optimizing data collection, and (c) structured questions for analyzing graphed progress monitoring data patterns.